Amazon Alexa App – Learn more about this tool and make your day easier


The application Amazon Alexa it is one of the best tools to always have with you. It has revolutionized the way we interact with technology, offering a complete virtual assistant experience. 

With the ability to answer questions, perform tasks, and control smart devices around your home, Alexa has become an indispensable presence for many users. 

In today's article, we are going to explore the main features of the Amazon Alexa app and provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to install it on your mobile phone. So you discover its main benefits, even before downloading.

Amazon Alexa
Amazon Alexa (image taken from Google)

What features does the user find in the Amazon Alexa app?

  • Amazon Alexa is powered by an advanced voice assistant, allowing users to interact with their devices using natural voice commands. You can ask questions, request information, play music, set alarms, create reminders, and more, just by talking to Alexa;
  • It offers a wide variety of skills, which are like apps that expand the virtual assistant's functionality. With over 100,000 skills available, you can customize Alexa to meet your specific needs. These skills include news, weather, games, device control, integration with services like Spotify, Uber, Netflix and more;
  • One of the most powerful features of Amazon Alexa is its ability to control compatible smart home devices. With simple voice commands, you can adjust the lighting, control the thermostat, lock doors, turn appliances on and off, and even create custom routines that perform multiple actions simultaneously;
  • Amazon Alexa is an excellent entertainment hub. With support for popular music services like Amazon Music, Spotify and Apple Music, you can ask Alexa to play your favorite songs, create playlists, identify songs and more. Additionally, Alexa can control entertainment devices such as TVs and sound systems, allowing you to control your multimedia experience with ease.

What are the most important technical data of this application?

If you want to know more details about the Amazon Alexa app, know that its technical data is also very important. That's because, knowing the technical part of the app, you can know whether or not it will work according to your cell phone's specifications. 


Amazon Alexa was released just a few years ago in 2019 and is always being updated. The app has over 100 million downloads and has a 4.8 star rating. 

Its size is only 130MB, so it doesn't take up much storage space. Your smartphone must use Android 8.0 or higher for the app to work properly.

How to install Amazon Alexa on mobile?

Now that you know the main features of the app Amazon Alexa, let's learn how to install it on your mobile. Follow the steps below:

  1. Access your phone's app store: If you're using an Android device, open the Play Store. If you use an iPhone, open the App Store.
  2. Type “Amazon Alexa” into the app store search bar and press “Search”.
  3. Look for the official app developed by Services LLC and tap on it to go to the download page.
  4. Depending on the app store, you will see an “Install” (on Android) or “Get” (on iOS) button. Tap on it to start the installation process.
  5. Your mobile phone will download the application and then start the installation process automatically. Make sure you are connected to a Wi-Fi network to avoid download issues.
  6. After installation, open the app and follow the on-screen instructions to log in to your existing Amazon account or create a new account if needed.
  7. After logging in, the app will ask for permissions and guide you through the setup process. Follow the instructions to connect Alexa to your Wi-Fi network, configure your smart home devices and customize the settings to your preferences.

Amazon app considerations

Amazon Alexa offers an exceptional virtual assistant experience, with a variety of powerful features that can make your everyday life easier. 

By installing the app on your mobile phone, you can make the most of Alexa, interacting and enjoying entertainment effortlessly. Follow the steps and experience the convenience of Amazon Alexa today. Browse the Decorama website and discover other articles like this one.

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