Make your income tax return through the app


Want to start preparing for the statement next year? So how about using the income tax application In your cellphone? Every year, usually between March and April, people who declare income must submit the statement through the IRPF program. 

This is done via a desktop or notebook computer, but if for some reason you cannot use one, there is still an app option. The use of the app is recent, so many people still don't know about it.

Income tax returns have existed for decades, first on paper, then on a computer program and now to make life easier for users, through an application. If you want to know a little about this app and learn how to download it, follow the article below!

aplicativo para imposto de renda
income tax application (image taken from Google)

income tax return

Income tax returns have existed in Brazil for approximately 100 years. It has gone through several phases and there have always been some rules for making the statement. See some of the conditions that make it mandatory to declare income tax next year. 

  • If your taxable earnings were at least R$28,559.70 in 2021;
  • If you earned more than R$ 40 thousand in exempt, non-taxable or taxable income, including FGTS and unemployment insurance;
  • If you sold and profited from goods subject to the application of Income Tax;
  • Received emergency aid and had income above R$ 22,847.76;
  • If the sum of your assets is more than R$ 300 thousand on the last day of 2021;
  • If you carried out an operation on the Stock Exchange in 2021;
  • If you had gross revenue in rural activity above R$142,798.50 or want to offset losses in this area.

As the end of the year is approaching, it is best to start preparing, as the declaration requires a series of information. For this you can also use the income tax application.

What does the My Income Tax app offer?

My Income Tax is the Federal Revenue application for IRPF taxpayers. It has several services for you who need to use the app instead of the computer program.

As it you have several services available, such as:

  • Completion and delivery of the declaration, both the original and the one to rectify;
  • Consultation of pending issues and generation of the DARF to settle the tax you owe;
  • Receiving alerts about the status of the declaration, such as alerts about pending issues, solving pending issues, sending refund money or due tax for automatic debit at the bank
  • Question (to clear your doubts with hundreds of questions answered about the IRPF);
  • Access to other Federal Revenue services and applications.

For most services, you must register your device in the Virtual Taxpayer Service Center (e-CAC) first. Downloading the income tax application in advance will allow you to organize yourself to fill in the necessary information. So, when the deadline for delivery arrives, just send it through the app too.

Features of this application for income tax

If you want to install the income tax application on your device, it is important to know some characteristics. Especially to know if it will work correctly. My Income Tax was launched in 2014 by the Federal Government.

Since then, he has received updates with news, the most recent of which was in September 2021. The app has more than 5 million downloads on the Google Play Store platform alone. 

Its size does not take up much space, being 12 MB, so you can download even with little space. The Meu Imposto de Renda app is available for download on Android devices from the Play Store and for iPhones from the App Store. It is completely free.

How to download and use?

If you are interested in the application for income tax and want to download it on your smartphone, see the topic below. To download My Income Tax it is necessary that you first open your mobile app store.

Then, type the name “Meu Imposto de Renda” in the search bar, and install the option that has the Government of Brazil as its developer.

Finally, once installed and opened, to register you must enter your CPF, date of birth and a security code that will be displayed in the app itself. To start filling out your statement, you need to create a keyword, after that, just use it normally.


The application for income tax is ideal if you use your cell phone a lot for some reason you cannot use the program on your computer. In addition, it is easy to use and can save you the trouble of filling in the information. Therefore, try the app and draw your conclusions!

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