Used Car – How to buy your car cheaply with this app


A vehicle can be a form of comfort for you and your family or even an investment. A cheaper option to start with is the used car. They are a good choice as new vehicles, also known as 0km, can cost a lot.

A new car usually has higher rates, IPVA and more expensive insurance, and especially its total price in the store is also higher. Those who have never owned a car but want to work, study or just go out with their family can choose a used vehicle to start with.

In addition, they can be an investment if you want to work with your car or save money on public transport tickets, which at the end of the month are very high. to buy your used car for a good price, follow the article below.

carro usado
used car (image taken from Google)

How important is a good vehicle?

Many people want the most popular or most expensive car, but it's important to think about whether you can handle the expense of a vehicle. If you know how to use a car for your financial good, it can help you save a lot and be much more comfortable.


With a quality vehicle and with all documents up to date, you can travel alone, with your family, for work, on vacation, and much more, without depending on other means of transport, such as planes, buses or trains.

For this you should always take it to a review with good professionals and if possible have insurance. Therefore, it is necessary to buy your vehicle in a reliable place, and if you never had one, a good one. used car helps you save even more on costs.

Where can I buy my used car?

It is very important to buy your used car in a known place, because that way you will have more guarantees that the vehicle will serve you and will be in accordance with justice. Therefore, the Webmotors application is a great option for this.

In the Webmotors app, you can buy a vehicle at an attractive and fair price, with more payment terms and much more mobility, as you can access the app from anywhere. You face much less bureaucracy when purchasing your used car.

It was created to make life easier for anyone who wants to buy, sell, or finance their car or motorcycle. There are more than 300 thousand offers with the best market conditions and security. In addition, you can find cars with prices below the FIPE list.

What are the main functions of this application to buy a used car?

The Webmotors application is a complete tool with several functionalities for you to buy, sell or finance your used car in the most comfortable way. In it you will find everything you need to buy and sell cars and motorcycles in a simple and fast way.

Check out the main features of the app now:

  • Fipe table: A great way to negotiate the value of a vehicle is by following the FIPE table and with the Webmotors app you can do this easily, whether to sell or buy;
  • Comparative: You can compare prices of cars appraised across the country and find out how much your car is worth;
  • Financing: If you need financing, you can do a simulation directly in the app and see the available conditions;
  • News and News: Do you want to keep up to date with the main automotive news? Just access WM1, Webmotors' automotive news channel;
  • Ease and Practicality: If you don't find what you're looking for, just save the search and you'll receive alerts when new offers come up. It is also possible to create a favorites list with the best offers;
  • Security: It doesn't matter if you want to sell a vehicle or buy cars and motorcycles. Using the Webmotors app you are protected by Autopago.

How to download this app on mobile?

The WebMotors app was launched 10 years ago and has since gained many users. It has over 5 million downloads and a 4.4 star rating. If you are interested in downloading this app to buy your used car check out the step by step now:

  • Before taking any action, make sure your smartphone is correctly connected to the internet, after that go to the Android or iOS app store;
  • In the search bar, type the name Webmotors and install the first option among the results, the app is only 15 MB in size;
  • Once installed, register with your information, grant the permissions that the app requests and you can start using it normally;

WebMotors app considerations

To research and buy your first used car or sell what you have at home, you need a reliable tool with attractive prices. Therefore, the Webmotors application is the ideal option. Plus, it's free and doesn't take up much storage space.

Download and try this tool ASAP! To see other articles like this one, visit the Applications area of our website.

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