Vaccination Passport – See how to have yours on your cell phone


O vaccination passport it is a document to prove that you have taken the COVID19 vaccine. With the pandemic gradually decreasing, many have started to receive people again and in many of these places proof of vaccination is required.

If you intend to attend a place with an audience of more than 500 people, such as football games or music concerts, you will need to prove that you have had your vaccine. The vaccine receipt contains data such as full name, date of application of the vaccine and a qr code for consultation.

However, not everyone likes to carry papers in their pockets. In addition to damaging your wallet, you could still end up losing it. Therefore, if you want an easier and more practical way to prove vaccination, keep following this post.

vaccination passport (image taken from Google)

Vaccination passport in the State of São Paulo

O vaccination passport required since September 2nd in the State of São Paulo. Some other states, such as Mato Grosso do Sul, have not adopted the practice, so it is good to check if it is required in your city.


It is already used in more than 250 cities in the country. So if you already know that it is necessary in your city and you don't want to carry paper in your purse or wallet, know that you can access it on your cell phone through applications on your smartphone.

If you are from São Paulo, you can issue the certificate of vaccination passport in three different apps. They are e-saúdeSP, ConectaSUS and Poupatempo, all apps are available for free both in Android and iOS app stores.

How to download the e-saudeSP application?

In today's post we will explain how to have the vaccination passport through the e-saúdeSP application. It is an app created by the Municipal Health Department and launched on the Google Play Store platform in July 2020 and already has more than 500,000 downloads.

The app doesn't take up much of the space as its size is around 50 MB. It has a 4.5-star rating in the Android app store and ranks third among the most downloaded free medical apps. On the App Store platform, it has a score of 4.7 and is in second place.

The first step is to install the application on your mobile phone. Just access your cell phone's app store and search for the name "e-saúdeSP" in the search bar. To download and register for the app, follow the steps below:

  • First: After the app is installed and opened, tap the “Register” button to create your app account with email and password;
  • Second: To continue with the registration it is necessary to read and accept the terms of use of the app, just click on the button “Yes, I accept”;
  • Third: You must enter the requested CPF and date of birth, after all the data entered, a verification code will be sent to your cell phone. Just enter the code in the app, press the “Enter” button and the registration will be finished.

How to generate the vaccination passport in the app?

With the app already installed, you can generate your vaccination passport Free of charge, you just need internet access. To obtain your certificate follow the topic below:

  • When accessing the e-saudeSP application, enter your CPF and password chosen at registration to log in to the app;
  • On the main screen, the app shows all the services you can access, click on the “Vaccination Passport” which is on the right side of the screen, at the bottom;
  • If you were vaccinated in São Paulo, your passport will appear on the screen. It contains your date of birth, CPF, date of the 1st and 2nd dose and the CNS;

At e-saúdeSP you still have access to Easy Agenda, Teleconsultations, SUS Virtual Card, Your Exams, Health Units and much more. If you live in the capital of São Paulo, the app is a great tool, both for getting your vaccine passport and for other health services.

Considerations about the e-saudeSP application

The e-saúdeSP app is a great way to use your vaccination passport the moment you need it without having to carry papers. That way you will have it available whenever you need it. try the app and discover the services.

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