Virtual ballot box simulator


Do you want to know more about the ballot box and not get confused on voting day? So meet the virtual voting machine simulator and worry no more! With it you can simulate your vote and thus better understand how the ballot box works.

Some people are participating this year in the first elections and have never gone near an electronic ballot box. Still others are a little confused about how the equipment works, so it's good to have a sense of that.

So with the help of technology you can train for when you go to vote and not experience any problems. To learn more, follow the post we prepared for you today! See more below.

simulador virtual da urna eletrônica
virtual voting machine simulator (image taken from Google)

How the virtual voting machine simulator works

There are more than 200 million people in Brazil, and therefore it is not impossible that someone does not know very well how the ballot box works or gets confused when voting. This is because unfortunately the information does not reach all people in the same way.


Therefore, the Superior Electoral Court created a tool to help anyone in need. On the TSE website you will find available the virtual voting machine simulator. Through it, voters can practice how they will vote on the day.

As it is necessary to choose candidates for 5 positions, senator, federal deputy, state deputy, governor and president, it is not uncommon to get confused. In the simulator you can train the votes in a quick, didactic and fun way.

When was the virtual voting machine simulator created?

The simulator has existed since 2014 and it even helps to reduce the time you spend voting, which avoids very long queues at polling stations. Because the training virtual voting machine simulator helps the voter to better understand the voting process.

In addition, you still learn the right order of choosing the positions and so you don't waste time entering the wrong numbers. The first position you will fill in the ballot box is that of federal deputy, with 4 digits. 

Then it is necessary to choose the candidate for state deputy, he has 5 digits. Then the candidate for senator, which is 3 digits, for governor with 2 digits, and, finally, for president, also with 2 digits.

What candidates are available in the simulator?

You don't have to worry about your candidate choices being seen by anyone as your choice is secret. At the virtual voting machine simulator the candidates are fictitious and so are the parties. 

That is, you are not actually voting, just learning the voting order. Voting, which starts on October 2nd and if there is a second round, will be on October 30th, there are news, and so is the simulator. It offers accessibility novelties, including:

  • The simulator has the inclusion of a Libras interpreter;
  • It has a waiting time of 1 second to check the vote;
  • Additional confirmation for caption vote;
  • Audio update for visually impaired people.

How to train your vote in the virtual voting machine simulator?

The virtual voting machine simulator has an intuitive interface and you only need to access the simulator official page. Just follow the instructions presented to start voting. First you need to decide if you want to vote in the first or second round.

Choosing, for example, the Folklore Party, the candidates Lobisomem, Cuca, and others appear. You just need to enter the number of the chosen candidate or candidate and that's it. If you make a mistake with the number, just press the “correct” key to restart. If everything is ok, press the “confirm” button.

After you finish voting, the screen shows the word END and the familiar noise of the voting machine. At the end of voting, or whenever you want, you can return to the home page, choose another shift and restart voting, just click on the “new simulation” option.

Considerations about the virtual voting machine simulator

If you want to vote quickly and without getting confused on the day of the first and second rounds, the virtual voting machine simulator it will help you a lot. It's free and you don't need to install anything. 

Therefore, visit the TSE website and learn more! If you liked this post and want to see more content, go to Decorama's Applications category. 

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