How to get Social CNH without paying anything


The National Social Habilitation Card, popularly known as CNH Social, is a program that makes it possible to obtain a driver's license free of charge or at very low costs. 

This initiative aims to democratize access to driver's licenses, allowing low-income people the opportunity to obtain this essential document for mobility. 

In this article, you will discover the necessary steps to get the CNH Social without paying anything.

1. Make Sure You Meet the Requirements

Before starting the process, it's critical to verify that you fit the criteria established by the CNH Social program in your state, as requirements may vary slightly from state to state. 


Generally, common criteria include:

  • Be over 18 years old.
  • Possess Single Registration for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico).
  • Have a family income of up to 2 minimum wages.
  • Do not have a driver's license or have an expired or revoked document.
  • Have not committed serious or very serious infractions in the last 12 months.
CNH Social
CNH Social (image taken from Google)


2. Enrollment in the Program

Once you've verified that you meet the requirements, it's time to apply for your state's CNH Social program. Applications are generally made through the Detran website or through a specific body designated to administer the program. 

It is important to pay attention to the opening dates for registration, as they are usually announced periodically.

3. Required Documentation

To complete your application, you will likely need to provide a number of documents, which may include:

  • Personal identification (RG and CPF).
  • Proof of address.
  • Family income proof.
  • Proof of enrollment in CadÚnico.
  • Negative criminal record certificate.

Be sure to prepare all necessary documents in advance to ease the application process.

4. Participation in the Selection Process

After enrolling, you must participate in a selection process that may include interviews, document analysis and even theoretical tests. 

This step is essential to assess the eligibility of candidates and select those who will be awarded the CNH Social.

5. Conducting the Training Course

If you are selected in the selection process, the next step is to take the driver training course at an accredited driving school. 

Generally, the CNH Social program covers the costs of the theoretical and practical course. During the course you will learn the basics of safe driving and traffic rules.

6. Conducting Exams

Upon completion of the course, you will need to pass the mandatory medical and psychological examinations to obtain your CNH. These exams ensure that you are fit to drive safely. Again, the program generally covers the costs of these exams.

7. Realization of Practical Classes

After passing the medical and psychological exams, you will start practical driving lessons. Classes are held with qualified instructors at an accredited driving school. 

The number of lessons may vary according to your state's legislation, but is generally composed of driving lessons on urban roads and highways.

8. Conducting the Driving Exam

After completing the practical course, you will need to take the driving test, which will assess your skills as a driver. If you pass the driving test, you will be able to receive the CNH Social.

It is important to mention that CNH Social generally includes category B of the license, which allows driving passenger vehicles. 

If you wish to obtain a license for another category, such as motorcycle (A) or truck (C), you will have to pay the additional expenses.

Considerations about the CNH Social

Getting CNH Social without paying anything is a valuable opportunity for low-income people who want to acquire a driver's license. 

However, it is crucial to keep track of program-specific information in your state, as requirements and procedures can vary. 

In the state of São Paulo, for example, the service is only guaranteed in the case of a second copy and if the person's home has been affected by accidents or natural events. So go to the DMV website and learn more.

Also visit the applications area of the Decorama website.

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