Elderly Caregiver Course – See how to enroll for free


There is a course calledElderly care course", you know? It is one of the most promising and profitable areas in our country today, there are actually a very large number of elderly people who need special care, however, technique and dexterity are needed.

It is possible to register completely free of charge, to have access to a caregiver course for the elderly, in order to learn all the techniques and all the basic precepts to apply for a vacancy as a caregiver for the elderly, it is worth remembering that it is a job generally well paid.

To have access to Elderly care course, you need to register and fulfill some basic requirements, stay tuned for all the details in this article, as we will address the subject in more depth and with riches of detail, so you can understand better.

Caregiver course details

Through this course, you will be able to learn to take care of the elderly, thus helping a family, or a multidisciplinary team, to take care of health and well-being, in addition to the routine tasks of the elderly person in question, such as medication schedules, for example.


In this course you will learn to encourage elderly people, in terms of living healthy, doing the activities possible for the elderly in question, as well as taking care of their daily routines, you will also administer the medications that are already properly prescribed.

It is also necessary to respect the elderly and their autonomy, as well as understand the risk factors, and prepare for mobility in a safe way, it is also necessary to understand a little about the psychology of the elderly and their physical part, because this will be their routine while they are taking care of him.

Requirements for the elderly care course

To access the course, the candidate must meet some basic requirements, such as, for example, having completed elementary school and being over 18 years of age. It is worth remembering that this course is for people who have sensitivity and patience, because you will help people.

If the user's class has fully remote classes, the candidate will need to have a good cell phone, a computer, or a tablet, and with a good internet connection in order to be able to access all the course content, bearing in mind that everything it will be online.

Certainly, the main quality that the candidate must have is friendliness, patience, as well as tolerance, as he will be dealing with fragile people, not only physically, but psychologically. For this very reason, the course is not for everyone, it is necessary to master the art of dealing with people.

Course features

  • The course has an official certificate at the end.
  • You do not need specific materials to enroll in the course.
  • To enroll, simply choose your class and purchase the course, or choose a free course.
  • Documents such as RG and CPF will be required to complete registration.
  • Classes are fully dynamic and practical and can be done remotely.

Remuneration in the area

This area has grown a lot in Brazil in recent years, as our population is aging, and with that the demand for this specialized workforce has grown a lot, as well as its remuneration, so if you want, you can have a good job opportunity.

Salary values are generally higher in the capitals, we can reach up to r$ 6,000 per month, however, in smaller cities these values tend to fall between r$ 1,800 and r$ 4,000. It is worth remembering that there are more specialized caregivers, so they can have even higher salaries.

You will remember that it is a job that is not for everyone, as it requires experience, training, patience, tolerance and kindness, as in addition to taking care of the elderly who may be physically and psychologically fragile, you will need to deal with the whole family throughout the process .

Is it worth taking online courses?

First, you need to know if the course you are intending to take is duly accredited, the tip is, give preference to courses from better known and public entities, such as "Sebrae", for example, that way your certificate will have more weight and it will be easier to get a good job.

However, there are other private entities that offer quality courses, and with a certificate, before buying an online course, or even face-to-face, it is necessary to research well in the entity that is offering the course, together with the competent government authorities.

For more information about vacancies and courses, visit our apps category. Good luck!