São Paulo invoice online – Learn how to register and check the balance


Learn all about São Paulo invoice online, this is an important initiative of the São Paulo federation, which aims to encourage people to register their CPF in their respective notes, in order to reduce the gap in tax evasion.

In this way, you can reach up to 20% of ICMS, returned by the program in the form of credit redemption or even other benefits, such as a good discount on IPVA, for example, in addition to some raffles. To participate is very simple, just inform your CPF number at the time of purchase.

With CPF in São Paulo invoice online, the credits increase cumulatively, it is worth noting that the registration can also be done afterwards, however, the final consumer will only be able to compete for the draws, when he has duly completed his registration, in addition to agreeing with all the regulations.

Nota fiscal paulista online
Image: (Google) São Paulo invoice online

São Paulo invoice online – Learn how to withdraw

In order for consumers to be able to redeem their accumulated benefits, they must have a checking or savings account. It is possible to redeem from 0.99 cents directly to Caixa Econômica Federal, Banco do Brasil Itaú, Bradesco and Santander.


For other boats not on this list, you need to accumulate at least r$ 25.00. Let's see below, how to register successfully on the São Paulo invoice completely online, it is worth remembering that despite being a simple procedure it is necessary to do it correctly.

Another important detail is that we understand that, at least in theory, all our taxes tend to return to us in the form of benefits in health, education and security, despite all the existing corruption, these resources are important for maintaining basic needs.

São Paulo invoice online – Step by step to withdraw

  • First, you need to access the official website of the São Paulo invoice.
  • Next, you need to enter your CPF, as well as your date of birth and your mother's full name, then just verify it through the ”captcha”.
  • Now it is necessary for the consumer to properly complete his registration with his personal data, then create his password.
  • To pass, you must agree with all the clauses of the regulation in order to have access to the draws. Then click on "Next".
  • Now just return to the official website, enter and login, right after entering your accumulated credits relative to your CPF will be shown at the top of the screen on the left side.

 Consult CPF invoices

Once the consumer has duly registered on the São Paulo invoice website, it will be possible to research which purchases he has made and which are linked to his CPF, in this way we can check which purchases he has accumulated the most points.

If the consumer wants to redeem his/her benefits, that is, withdraw the money, he/she must click on the “current account” option, then access the “use credits” option. Afterwards, you can choose to withdraw your accumulated funds in cash, or opt for the IPVA discount option.

If you really want to redeem the amount in cash, just select the bank and enter your bank details, then, to finish, just enter the amount you want to redeem, and then click on the "confirm" option. They really are unmissable benefits.

It is worth putting the CPF in the note

Yes, it is worth it, because the only thing that the consumer needs to do is ask the attendant to put his CPF on the invoice, that is, on his invoice coupon, because once the consumer is duly registered on the official website of the invoice paulista, all your purchases with CPF in the note will accumulate points on the platform.

Of course, to have relevant values, you need to have made many purchases with CPF on the invoice, however, usually we make purchases almost every day, of the most varied products and services, and we don't even realize how much tax we are paying.

For this very reason, it is worth asking to put the CPF on the receipt for each purchase made, because that way, when the end of the month is reached, the consumer will have a relevant number of advantages to be redeemed on the site. Who doesn't like a benefit, right?

Is there any risk of informing the CPF

Well, in the case of putting your CPF on the invoice, there is no risk, as only the state government wants to understand which CPF made the purchase in order to credit the benefits provided for in the regulation, that is, the CPF's utility is simply to identify the consumer.

It is worth remembering that anyone with a CPF, and having made purchases with CPF, is already, in a way, informing their data, so why not get benefits from this action? It is worth remembering that our CPF is currently available in numerous actions that we do online, most of the time it does not cause any inconvenience.

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