Download app to watch live football match – São Paulo


He wants download app to watch live football game but don't know which is best? Don't worry, because in the following article you will discover a great app option available in all stores. Every São Paulo fan has already missed an important game, either due to lack of time or not knowing the date and time of the match.

To prevent this from happening again, downloading a good app to watch sports is the ideal solution.

Therefore, in today's article you will find out about a tool created for São Paulo fans, which aims to make you the best informed fan in Brazil. To learn more, follow today's post below.

What is the ideal app for São Paulo fans?

São Paulo is one of the biggest teams in Brazil, it has a fan base of more than 16 million São Paulo fans. If you are part of this crowd and want to know everything that happens with the club, know that it is very easy.


The application was created so that you can access information about São Paulo wherever you are. It doesn't matter if you're at home, on the bus, train or even in a park, with the app you have everything you need to know about the club.

You have information such as game dates, scores, new players and championships, without having to search elsewhere. Everything is

It's free and fast, and the app is super easy to use. 

baixar aplicativo para assistir jogo de futebol ao vivo
download app to watch live football matches (image taken from Google)

What are the technical characteristics of this application?

With you can organize yourself in advance to watch a game at home or download app to watch live football game while you're out. Below are the main features of the app:

  • The app brings all SPFC news in an easy-to-follow way.
  • You have a forum where you can comment on everything that happens in the team;
  • In the app, you can follow the narration of the games live and receive notifications of goals and bids;
  • In addition, it is still possible to chat with fans like you!

How to download app to watch live football game

From now on, you already know where to follow everything about São Paulo Futebol Clube. If you want to watch the matches of the team and many other clubs, just download app to watch live football game Futemax.

In it you watch live games and many other sports. To do this, go to your app store from your cell phone, type the name “Futemax” in the search bar, and install the app. 

For other posts, visit the Applications area. there you know other football apps, see the current value of the minimum wage, and learn how to download the FGTS app, in addition to other content for your smartphone.