Learn how to have your digital transit wallet on your cell phone with the app


Have you heard about digital transit wallet app? It is a safe way that the government and the DMV found for you to have your driver's license and vehicle document always at hand. In addition, it has the same validity as printed documents.

Nowadays, with technology present in almost all aspects of our lives, it could not be missing in traffic. It's not uncommon to forget your driver's license, so in order for this not to happen or it to be damaged in any way, you can download the app.

Many people are afraid to download the app because they think it doesn't work the same way or that it takes a lot of bureaucracy to do it, but in today's post we'll show you how easy it is to make and use your digital transit wallet.

app carteira digital de trânsito
digital transit wallet app (image taken from Google)

What is the digital transit wallet app?

O digital transit wallet app it is an updated version of the old digital CNH. Because with this version you have in addition to the CNH (National Driver's License), it is also possible to download the digital version of the CRLV (Certificate of Vehicle Registration and Licensing).


The digital versions of these documents in the app have the same legal value as their printed versions. In addition, using digital documents also brings an extra advantage, which is to share the vehicle's digital document with other people who use it.

Therefore, it is a great way to save paper and have your car documents with you at all times. To download and use the app correctly, your national driver's license must be the model that has the QR code on the back.

What are the features of this app?

If you want to install the digital transit wallet app on your device, it is important to know some characteristics of the application so that it works correctly. 

The app was launched in 2017 by the Government of Brazil, it receives frequent updates of improvements and news, the most recent one being in October 2021. Its size does not take up much space on your cell phone, since it is about 35 MB.

Today it has more than 10 million downloads and a 4.7 star rating, being one of the best rated in its category on the Google Play Store platform. It requires Android 4.3 or higher to work properly on the device.

How to download the digital transit wallet app?

If you are interested in the app and see that you need to download it to your cell phone, just pay attention to this topic. In it we will explain you step by step how to download the transit digital wallet app.

The first step is to access your Android app store, the Google Play Store. the second step is to type the name 'digital transit wallet' in the search bar. You must install the option that has the Government of Brazil as developer.

The third and final step is to log in with a GOV BR account. If you already have an account, just choose the 'enter with gov.br' option and enter your CPF and password on the next screens. If you don't have one, you must access the website acesso.gov.br and create your own.

How to generate the digital CNH and CRLV in the digital transit wallet app?

To generate your CNH, you must have your wallet in hand so that the digital transit wallet app read the QR Code. Follow the list below:

  • Point the app's camera at the QR Code on the back of your paper driver's license;
  • After the app reads the QR Code, you need to take a picture of yourself so that the system can compare your image with the Detran database;
  • Finally, you only need to confirm the registered zip code. If everything is correct, the app generates your digital CNH normally.

To generate your digital CRLV:

  • With the app still open, it is only necessary to enter the vehicle's RENAVAM number;
  • The number is located at the top of the car document and CRV security code;
  • Ready! The app will generate the document automatically.


O digital transit wallet app It's ideal if you use your cell phone a lot and want to save paper. Plus, you'll never forget your car document and driver's license again. try the app and see the benefits!

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