APP to watch series and movies


In this article, you can access information related to the APP to watch series and movies This is because many people are interested in watching both movies and series, but do not know how to do it.

And nowadays, many people all over Brazil, spend the day watching that series they like, or watching a variety of movies.

Therefore, below it will be possible for you to not only know what these same applications are, but also to have access to some information that composes them, in addition to knowing what they are, you will also know how to use them.

How to Install the APP to Watch Series and Movies

In order for you to install the APP to watch series and movies, whatever it may be, you must follow the steps below:


Step 1– access the virtual store on your mobile device (for ANDROID it is called Google Play and for IOS, it is called APP STORE) and search for the APP to watch series and movies you want to install;

step 2– Press the “install” option and wait until the download is completed. After installation, open the application that can be found on the home page of the device and log in using a username and password.

step 3– After completing your registration, you will have access to all the applications' programming for free or not, which will depend on which application was chosen.

Observation: if the APP to watch series and movies is chosen, ask for some more information, to register, you just need to ask for what it will be asking for.

The Best App to Watch Series and Movies

Below, you can access the best APPs to watch series and movies online:

Globo Play:

Globo Play is the platform created by Globo, so that its subscribers can watch series, movies and even soap operas and newspapers that air on the channel.

It is considered a very good APP to watch series and movies, not only because of the wide variety that it presents in relation to the programs that are shown on it, but also for the simple fact that.

You can also choose the option to watch the channel, on open TV, live, using the same application. The APP to watch series and movies is available for installation, both on Android and IOS and so that you can have access to all its features, you just have to register.

In order for you to have access to the complete service that is offered by the application, you must pay around R$22.90 per month.

APP To Watch Series and Movies VIX Cine and TV:

This is a new platform, which was launched in the last few days and offers over a thousand hours of programming in Portuguese.

One thing that makes it very installed and sought after by many people is the fact that to be able to watch using it, it is not necessary for you to create a registration.

The APP to watch series and films, offers a wide variety of contents, where you can see the following: films and series, international, national, subtitled, dubbed, documentaries and also a variety of children's content.

Not to mention, the APP to watch series and movies also features content that is original to it, which is produced by VIX Originals. It is available for both Android and iOS devices.

APP To Watch Series and Looke Movies:

Looke is based on a Brazilian application that allows you to rent a series of movies.

The service offers subscription and on-demand content, with two possibilities: purchase and digital rental with several options and varieties of titles and also prices.

To check out the free titles that can be found on the platform, just create an account on Looke, search the APP menu to watch series and movies for “Spcine Play” and take advantage of the services offered by it.

Due to the pandemic we are experiencing, all or most of the movies and series that can be found in the APP to watch series and movies are free until the end of that same year.

The APP to watch series and movies is available for Android and iPhone phones, and offers three subscription plans with prices ranging from R$ 16.90 to R$ 25.90 (depending on the number of screens).