Single Registration - Update data through the application


The benefits of Single Registry through application have been helping thousands of people across Brazil. It is a complete database that brings together the most important information about the country's low-income population.

Through application From CadÚnico, you have the opportunity to enroll in various benefits that will help you and your family in many ways, such as food or education. One of these benefits is the Brazil Aid.

Many people do not know that they are entitled to the benefit or do not know the procedure for enrolling. Therefore, to learn more about the Brazil Aid and also about the application CadÚnico, follow the following article:

Single Registry (image taken from Google)

Increased demand for Brazil Aid

Since its creation, Auxílio Brasil has been widely talked about, but in recent months the search for the program has become even greater. The benefit amount went from R$400 to R$600, and that was one of the main reasons for raising the search.


It's common to have questions about how registration works as there are so many details. The main one is that it is necessary to enroll first in the Single Registry and wait in the queue to be selected and receive the Auxílio Brasil payments.

This applies to numerous benefits, such as Vale Gas. The procedure for receiving it is similar to that of Auxílio Brasil, that is, both have CadÚnico as their database.

How can I enroll in Auxílio Brasil through the Cadastro Único?

Signing up to participate in Auxílio Brasil and receiving the monthly amounts is not complicated, but it does require patience and some documents. First, you can pre-register in the CadÚnico app. 

It is necessary to schedule a day for face-to-face assistance to your family at one of the CRAS or service centers of the Single Registry and the former Bolsa Família Program in your region.

After pre-registering in the app and scheduling an in-person service at CRAS, it is good to separate the following documents to take with you on the day:

  • Birth certificate;
  • Wedding certificate;
  • CPF;
  • Identity Card – RG;
  • Work Card;
  • Voter title;
  • Administrative Registration of Indigenous Birth (RANI) – in case the person is indigenous.

Know that on the day of the service it is not necessary to go with the whole family. You or any other person over the age of 16, with a CPF or voter registration card, can go on the day to file the application. This person will become the “family guardian”.

Single Registry interview day

After the initial procedures in the free app, a day of care will be scheduled. On the scheduled day, the family responsible, preferably a woman, will conduct an interview where questions will be asked about the family. 

Among the questions, the person in charge will be asked who the members of the family are, what the house is like where they live, if there are any disabled members, the school level of each one and the amount of the group's monthly income.

These questions are necessary to check information about the Single Registry and fill in the gaps in the government system. Therefore one should answer honestly and without any concern.

How do I know if I can enroll in CadÚnico?

Check below the conditions that the families that participate in the Single Registry are part of being able to enroll in the program:

  • If your family has up to half a minimum wage per person per month;
  • Families with up to 3 minimum wages of total monthly income;
  • Families that have an income greater than 3 minimum wages, but in this case, the registration must be linked to inclusion in social programs in the 3 spheres of government;
  • Who lives alone and forms a single-person family;
  • Those who live on the street, either alone or with other family members.

Considerations about the Single Registry

Low-income families can benefit greatly from the programs of the Single Registry. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the information and documents requested by CadÚnico and register as soon as possible.

So, for more information, go to Federal Government website. If you liked this article, check out the other categories on the Decorama website.

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