How to receive the 13th of Bolsa Familia 2020


13th in Bolsa Familia In all, around 14 million families with a monthly per capita income of up to R$ 89 are served by the social program, according to the ministry.

In March of this year, R$ 2.6 billion were spent on payments, with the average benefit amounting to R$ 186.94. With the 13th, the portfolio's projection is that more R$ 2.58 billion will be spent each year. 13th salary for Bolsa Familia Some of President Jair Messias Bolsonaro's campaign promises come into effect this week.

One of the news this week is the fulfillment of the 13th salary for beneficiaries of the 2019 Bolsa Família social program. Benefit released by the Ministry of Citizenship made official today.

14 million people are registered in the Government Program and received the 13th Salary for Bolsa Família, Currently, more than R$ 2.6 billion have been spent helping families participating in the Programme. 


People who have a Bolsa Família registration received the thirteenth Bolsa Família 2019. Normally, people who receive the benefit have received an average of R$ 186.94.

Who can receive the 13th salary from Bolsa Família?

In 2019, with the changes to the Rules made by the Government of President Bolsonaro, you can only receive the 13th salary that has an updated registration. You can receive if you meet the criteria below:

  • Families that prove who need the money and have an income of less than R$100 per person per month.
    families with children or adolescents who are in real need from 0 to 17 years of age in situations of poverty and extreme poverty.
    Families that prove who has a per capita income of up to 89 reais a month and between 89.01 reais and 178 reais a month.

All program payments Bolsonaro 13 Bolsa Família Salary are made based on the annual calendar released by the Federal Government. The release of the money is made according to the last Bolsa Família NIS number. In this month of November 2019, payments begin on the 17th for those with final NIS 1 and continue until the 30th for families with final NIS 0.

How to Register for the 2020 Bolsa Família Program

All persons who have not yet registered with the Bolsa Familia 2020, you can search for the CRAS – Reference Center for Social Assistance in your city or state. Always take your personal documents with you so that you can enroll in the program.

It is important to take all the personal documents of the representative, family members and dependents, as well as proof of income, address and school declaration of the children who attend school.

2020 Payment Calendars

Program payments begin on the 17th for those with final NIS 1 and continue until the 30th for families with final NIS 0. Printed on the Bolsa Família card.

See Payout Table Below 2019 Bolsa Família Calendar.

To get more information about the Bolsa Família Program  You can access the official website of the Ministry of Social Development –

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