Download the Novo Bolsa Família application and register for free


Many people still don't know but the Auxílio Brasil Program will once again be called Bolsa Familia. Registration for new families and maintenance of families that already received the benefit has already begun.

O Bolsa Familia has been of great help to many families in recent months. Therefore, more and more people want to participate in the program. This sometimes ends up causing some confusion regarding the dates of receipt by the application.

As there are some doubts about the benefit, many people end up missing the dates or failing to participate due to lack of information. It is also important to keep your data updated by the application and that of your family always up to date.

Bolsa Família 2023
Bolsa Família 2023 (Google image)

If you are part of the people who want to be included in the program but don't know where to start, follow the article below. In it we will explain you about the registration calendar of the Bolsa Familia, so you can organize yourself better. see how download the app free:

Inclusion in Bolsa Família 2023


In recent weeks, several families have gone through difficult days and were anxious to know when the Federal Government would open enrollment for the Bolsa Familia. Fortunately, last Thursday, the 14th, the Ministry of Citizenship informed the schedule for updating registration.

It is important to remember that enrollment in the Bolsa Familia it doesn't happen through the app. The inclusion of people is carried out through registration in the Single Registry. Where various data on the low-income population are gathered.

At the time of application, citizens need to pay attention to updating information every 2 years or when there is a change in the family structure. For example, if there is a change of address, telephone number, birth or death of a family member, among others.

Deadline for registration in 2023

Currently, government instructions regarding applications to the Bolsa Familia is that those who are on the poverty line with an income of up to R$525 need to update their registration in the Cadastro Único.

O Bolsa Familia may be blocked or even canceled if the registration is not updated. Families with lower incomes, with income of up to R$210, do not need to update their registration for the time being.

How do I know if I'm entitled to Bolsa Familia?

The eligibility of Bolsa Familia is divided into 2 groups. The first is made up of people in extreme poverty, where the family income reaches R$105. 

The second group is formed by those in poverty with a family income above R$105 to R$210. This information is checked thanks to data that must be updated frequently.

Registration and registration update

After improvements to the CadÚnico website and app, updating the registration has become much simpler. It is possible to pre-register if you wish to enter the system and also insert document attachments to update data.

First, you need to look for the nearest location responsible for Social Assistance in your city. After that you can access the following services, both in the app and on the website:

  • You can make queries by CPF;
  • It is possible to pre-register;
  • Proof of registration and much more.

How to download the Cadastro Único application?

The Cadastro Único app can help you a lot in your day to day life, especially when looking up information. If you want to install this free application to learn more about the Bolsa Familia follow the step by step below:

In your app store play store search by name "Single Registry”. Download the app that appears first in search results. Then just open the app, agree with the requested permissions and you can now check the information you want!

To see more articles visit the category of Benefits from our website.

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