Discover 4 free sites to get discount coupons


Get Discount coupons free? It really is possible to achieve this feat. Do you know someone who doesn't like to save money? Especially in times of financial crisis, as we live today, saving is certainly the key word.

Precisely because of the crisis, getting Discount coupons it got easier, considering that companies started to increase their internet sales because of the pandemic that is plaguing the whole world, in this way discounts and promotions increased significantly throughout the network.

Exactly for this, free websites were created with the Discount coupons, and the user can get the discounts in several ways. Discounts range from an afternoon outing, lunch at a restaurant or a good discount at a fast food chain.

cupons de desconto
Image: (Google) Discount coupons

Sites that offer discount coupons

The site ”Cuponeria”, is one of the most well-known platforms when it comes to getting a discount coupon, that is, getting considerable discounts. Maybe this is possible, because the platform has a wide range of partners like Fast Food, for example.


To use the site in question, just enter the platform, everything is done for free, the user can obtain discounts greater than 50%. To get the discount, the user must browse the site and choose the best option by clicking on the “get coupon” option.

Discount coupons work for both online stores and even physical stores. To use your coupon at the physical establishment, just show the coupon to the seller when making the payment, that way the savings will be certain.

Discount coupon platforms

Another interesting platform, which offers considerable discounts through coupons, is the "Cuponomia" site, as the name suggests, the platform offers savings opportunities for users who want to obtain discounts. The site is full of promotions.

The site works very similarly to what we have mentioned before, as the platform also has many partners that offer discounts. In this way, the user just enters the site and chooses the best discounts. There are over 20,000 pompoms out there.

The site has the vast majority of stores, both international and national, not to mention that the discounts are updated daily. It is worth remembering that to access the platform, just enter the website and browse it at no cost. Everything is offered free of charge.

Site options that offer discounts

  • Groupon: the site really offers exclusive offers that are always updated, not to mention the news that exist in all regions of the country. There are currently more than a thousand stores that are affiliated with the platform.
  • Méliuz: this platform is perhaps less known than the sites mentioned above, however, the site has been growing significantly in the last year, in addition to categorically increasing the number of its partners, with more than 900 registered partners. Among the main partners we can mention Shoptime, Submarino, Lojas Americanas.

Main advantages of discount coupons

Without a doubt, it was much easier to save through the discount coupons offered by the platforms mentioned so far. It is worth remembering that we are experiencing one of the greatest financial and humanitarian crises of humanity, saving has become a necessity.

In this way, it is worth spending a little time on the sites that offer discount coupons, browsing the biggest offers that are available on the platform, whether in physical stores or online stores, what really matters is getting a good discount.

There are several other sites in this modality, which offer discount coupons, but the platforms mentioned so far are the ones with the largest number of accredited partners, in addition to the partners being well known to the general public. Usually even the big magazines are there.

How to access the websites

If the user is interested in accessing platforms that offer discount coupons, just access the official website of the platforms, and the user can also search on Google, using the name of the platform in question. There are thousands of discounts available.

After the user finds the site of his choice, he just has to browse through them and look for the best offers that are being offered at the moment, it is worth remembering that all platforms update their offers almost daily, increasing the number of offers.

For more information and tips on websites and platforms, as well as apps, visit our apps category. Good luck!