Secured Loans: Real Estate and Vehicles – Decorama

Secured Loans: Real Estate and Vehicles

​In a constantly changing economic scenario, many Brazilians are looking for alternatives to make their projects viable and overcome moments of financial difficulty. One of the options that has gained prominence is the secured loan, where applicants offer an asset as a guarantee of payment. In this context, properties and vehicles have become the most used assets, offering not only security for financial institutions, but also the chance to obtain a higher value and with more favorable conditions. In this article, we will explore the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of secured loans, as well as valuable tips for those considering this modality.


What are Secured Loans and How do They Work?

Secured loans, also known as secured or collateral loans, are a type of credit where the borrower offers an asset as guarantee of payment. This collateral can be a property, a vehicle or even financial investments. The main advantage of this type of loan is the possibility of obtaining more favorable conditions, such as lower interest rates and longer payment terms, as the financial institution has additional security in case of default.

How these loans work is relatively simple. After the applicant chooses the asset to be used as collateral, the financial institution evaluates the value of the collateral and determines the amount that can be loaned. This value normally does not exceed a percentage of the total value of the asset used as collateral. After credit approval, the asset is registered in the name of the financial institution until the debt is paid off. If the borrower fails to make agreed payments, the institution may take possession of the asset to recover the amount borrowed.


Although secured loans offer advantages, it is important that the borrower is aware of the risks involved. The main disadvantage is the possibility of losing the asset if you are unable to meet the loan installments. Therefore, before opting for this modality, it is essential to carry out a careful analysis of your own finances and plan how the installments will be paid.

Amount that can be requested:

The amount that can be requested in a secured loan varies according to the type of good offered and the market value of that good. Generally:

  • Real Estate: The loan can reach up to 60% to 80% of the value of the property.
  • Vehicles: The loan amount usually varies between 50% and 70% of the vehicle’s value.
    If the asset placed as collateral is more valuable, the loan amount will be higher. The financial institution makes an assessment of the asset and defines how much it will be possible to lend based on this assessment.

Interest Rates:

Interest rates on secured loans are lower than other types of personal loans. This happens because the asset offered as collateral reduces the risk for the bank. Fees may vary depending on the financial institution and the customer’s credit profile, but in general:

    • Real Estate: Rates usually range from 0.8% to 1.5% per month (which equates to around 10% to 20% per year).
    • Vehicles: Rates vary between 1.2% and 2.5% per month, depending on the value of the vehicle and the customer’s assessment.

    Payment term:

    Payment terms on secured loans are also longer compared to other types of credit:

    • Real Estate: The payment term can be up to 20 years (240 months), offering a lot of flexibility for the borrower.
    • Vehicles: The term is usually shorter, varying between 2 to 5 years (24 to 60 months), depending on the age of the vehicle and the conditions of the financial institution.

    Advantages of Using your Property or Vehicle as Collateral:

    • Additional security: This type of guarantee, also known as collateral, offers the lender additional security, which can facilitate the approval of loans and financing. With an asset linked to the transaction, financial institutions tend to offer lower interest rates and more flexible payment terms, making access to credit easier for borrowers.
    • Possibility of obtaining higher financing amounts: When creditors are certain that they will be able to recover part of the amount loaned in case of default, they are willing to release considerable amounts, which can be essential for carrying out a project or investment. This can be especially useful for those looking for capital to open a business, carry out renovations or face financial emergencies.
    • Avoid credit processes that require proof of income or an impeccable financial history: This benefits not only those who are starting their journey in the credit market, but also those who face temporary financial difficulties. The possibility of negotiating a more favorable and less bureaucratic agreement attracts many individuals who are looking for effective and quick financial solutions.

    However, it is important to highlight that using a property or vehicle as collateral involves risks. The main concern is the loss of the asset in case of default. Therefore, before making this type of commitment, it is essential to carefully analyze your payment capacity and the loan conditions. When well planned, this resource can be a powerful alternative to achieving financial goals without sacrificing long-term stability.

    Step by Step to Apply for a Secured Loan:

    1 step: Carry out a detailed analysis of your financial situation

    • You need to understand how much of your monthly income you can commit to paying the installments, in addition to evaluating your fixed and variable expenses. Having clear financial control helps you define the total amount you want to request and identify the most appropriate period for payment.

    2 step: Research financial institutions that offer guaranteed loans

    • These loans, which can be secured by a property, a vehicle or other assets, tend to have lower interest rates compared to unsecured personal loans. Visit the banks’ website, check the conditions offered and don’t hesitate to get in touch to clarify any questions that may arise. Comparing options is an essential step to guarantee the best conditions.

    3 step: Gather the necessary documentation

    • Generally, this includes personal documents, proof of income and documentation of the asset that will serve as collateral. Each bank may have a specific list of requirements, so it is important to pay attention to every detail to avoid surprises during the process. After submitting the documentation, the bank will carry out a credit analysis and evaluate the property or asset that you are offering as collateral.

    4 step: Sign the contract if you are in compliance

    • Finally, if everything is in order, the contract will be generated and you will need to sign it. Read all clauses carefully, especially those that deal with payment conditions and penalties in case of default. Once signed, the loan amount will be released and you will be ready to use it as needed. Always remember to honor your financial commitments to maintain good financial health and avoid problems in the future.

    Requirements to Obtain Secured Loans:

    Documentation analysis:

    • Proof of income
    • Personal identification
    • Proof of ownership of the asset offered as collateral (property, vehicle or other asset)

    Valuation of the asset offered as collateral:

    • The asset must have a market value that covers or exceeds the amount of the loan requested
    • A recent and accurate assessment of the asset is recommended to avoid unexpected discounts on the value of the guarantee

    Applicant’s financial situation:

    • Clean credit history
    • Good financial behavior to increase the chances of approval

    Regularity of the guaranteed good:

    • Properties must be free of debts and legal disputes
    • Vehicles must have up-to-date documentation and be free from encumbrances that compromise the transaction

    Review of contract terms and conditions:

    • Clauses related to the recovery of the asset in case of default
    • Additional costs such as appraisal fees or insurance

    Importance of understanding the contract:

    • Be aware of all conditions to ensure that the secured loan fits into the applicant’s financial planning.

    Comparing Rates and Conditions from Different Financial Institutions:

    Comparing the rates and conditions of different financial institutions is essential when taking out a loan or opening an account, as each bank or financial institution offers particularities that directly impact your finances. In addition to interest rates, it is important to analyze administrative fees, insurance and other costs that can make the operation more expensive, even if the interest rate initially seems attractive.

    Another crucial point is the flexibility of payment terms. Some institutions offer more adjustable terms and facilitate debt renegotiation, while others may have stricter rules. Evaluating the possibility of repayment and the quality of customer service is also important to ensure a smooth experience during the process.

    Finally, it is not always advantageous to remain loyal to a single financial institution. With competition in the banking market, promotions and special conditions may appear at other banks, offering solutions more suited to your needs. A careful comparison of options can result in more efficient and advantageous financial management.

    Tips to Ensure your Secured Loan Approval:

    • Understand what a secured loan is and how it works: This modality allows you to use an asset, such as a property or a vehicle, as payment guarantee. This means that, in the event of default, the creditor can claim the asset. Therefore, the first step is to choose an asset that really has value and that can be easily valued by the bank or financial institution.
    • Analyze your financial situation before applying for the loan: Be clear about your income, monthly expenses and, most importantly, your credit history. If you already have debts, it is recommended that you pay them off or renegotiate them to improve your financial profile. A good credit history can make all the difference when it comes to approval, as banks usually assess the applicant’s ability to pay. Prepare to present all the necessary documentation, such as proof of income, documents of the asset that will be offered as collateral and identity.
    • Compare the different offers available on the market: Interest conditions, deadlines and administrative fees can vary greatly between one institution and another. This research can reveal the best option for your profile, avoiding unwanted surprises in the future. Another valuable tip is to maintain a clear and honest dialogue with your bank. If there are any doubts about the terms of the contract, do not hesitate to ask and clarify all your insecurities.
    • Preparation is the key to a smooth process: Organize all documentation clearly and coherently, as this demonstrates seriousness and commitment. A well-founded application can speed up the analysis of your application and increase the financial institution’s confidence in granting credit. With these tips in mind, you’ll be better prepared to increase your chances of getting your secured loan approved.

    Alternatives to Loans secured by Real Estate and Vehicles:

    Although a loan secured by property or vehicles is a common option for financing projects or paying off debts, it may not be ideal for everyone due to the risk of losing the asset and the bureaucracy involved. Therefore, it is important to consider safer and less risky alternatives.

    An alternative is the unsecured personal loan, which does not require the provision of assets as collateral, although it has higher interest rates. The flexibility in payment terms and the absence of risk on assets can compensate for this difference, making it a viable option for many.

    Other options include credit unions, which offer more advantageous conditions and personalized service, as well as crowdfunding platforms, where it is possible to raise capital without taking on traditional debt. These alternatives allow access to credit with less risk and more opportunities for safe financial planning.


    Secured loans, using real estate or vehicles, are an attractive alternative for those looking for credit with more favorable conditions, such as reduced interest rates and longer payment terms. However, despite the advantages, it is essential that applicants carefully assess the risks involved, especially the possibility of losing the asset in the event of default. With a solid financial analysis and adequate planning, this type of loan can be an effective solution for large projects or debt reorganization, as long as it is used consciously and strategically.

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