What is a Personal Loan? Find Out How to Request! – Decorama

What is a Personal Loan? Find Out How to Request!

​When it comes to managing our finances, there are times when unexpected expenses arise or we simply need a little extra cash to achieve our goals. It is during these moments that a personal loan can be a lifeline. But what exactly is a personal loan? In this guide, we will delve into the world of personal loans, exploring what they are, how they work, and the benefits and considerations that come with them.


Whether you are seeking to fund a major purchase, consolidate debt, or simply find some financial breathing room, understanding the basics of personal loans will empower you to make informed decisions about your financial future. So, let’s dive in and uncover the ins and outs of personal loans, and discover how they might be able to assist you on your financial journey.

Personal Loan

Personal loans in the US are a form of credit offered by banks, credit unions and financing companies. They allow individuals to borrow money for a variety of purposes, such as consolidating debt, making large purchases, or covering unexpected expenses.



  • The amount that can be requested generally varies between $1,000 and $100,000, depending on the financial institution and the applicant’s credit profile.

Payment term

  • Payment terms usually vary from 12 to 84 months. Shorter terms typically result in higher monthly payments but lower total interest costs.

Interest rates

  • Interest rates on personal loans in the US can vary widely, typically between 6% and 36% per year, depending on the borrower’s credit history, loan amount and term. Borrowers with excellent credit tend to get the lowest rates, while those with less favorable credit may face higher rates.

Why Consider a Personal Loan?

​Considering a personal loan can be an option for different situations in our lives. Whether you want to pay off debts, take a dream trip or carry out an important personal project, a personal loan can provide you with the necessary financial resources. But why consider a personal loan over other forms of credit?

Ease of obtaining

One of the main advantages of a personal loan is how easy it is to obtain. Compared to other types of loans, the process of applying for a personal loan is generally quick and simple, without the need to present many documents or collateral. This makes a personal loan an affordable option for many people.


Choose the payment term that suits your needs

Additionally, when considering a personal loan, you have the option of choosing the repayment term that best suits your needs. This way, you can plan your finances according to your monthly payment availability, avoiding excessive debt. This helps you stay on top of your finances and avoid future problems.

Flexibility in the use of funds

Another reason to consider a personal loan is the flexibility in using the funds. Unlike other types of loans, such as loans to purchase a property or vehicle, a personal loan has no restrictions on the use of the money. You can use it however you see fit, whether it’s to pay off other debts, pay medical expenses or fulfill a personal dream.

Main Advantages of a Personal Loan:

​Nowadays, many people turn to personal loans as a way to solve financial problems or fulfill dreams that require a larger investment. The main advantages of this type of loan can make all the difference in an individual’s life, bringing more peace of mind and opportunities.

  • Ease of obtaining: Unlike other types of loans, personal loans do not require a specific justification for their use. The simplicity of the application and approval process makes this option more accessible for those who need financial assistance quickly.
  • Flexibility in payment terms: Individuals can choose the number of installments that best fits their budget, making financial planning easier. Furthermore, the interest rate on this type of loan is usually lower compared to other types, such as a special check or credit card, which can result in savings in the long term.
  • Excellent way to improve an individual’s credit history: By making good use of this resource and honoring payments on time, you can show financial institutions that you are a good payer and increase your chances of obtaining more favorable credit in the future.

How the Personal Loan Application Process Works in the USA:

Search and choose the financial institution:

  • Compare options between traditional banks, credit unions, financial institutions and online platforms.
  • Evaluate the interest rates, terms and conditions offered to choose the best option.

Completing the loan application:

  • Make the request online or in person.

Provide personal information such as:

  • Name
  • Social Security Number (SSN)
  • Address
  • Monthly income
  • Credit history
  • Make sure the information is correct and complete.

Credit analysis and approval:

The financial institution performs a check of your credit history (via Experian, Equifax, TransUnion).
If approved, you will receive a proposal with details such as:

  • Approved value
  • Interest rates
  • Payment term
  • Review and, if you agree, electronically sign the contract.

Release of funds:

  • Once the contract is signed, funds are generally released within 1-2 business days.
  • The amount is deposited directly into your bank account.

Final Considerations:

  • Assess whether a personal loan is the best option for your financial situation.
  • Plan your usage and ensure you can meet the monthly payments.
  • Responsibly, a personal loan can help you achieve your financial goals.

Documents Required to Apply for a Personal Loan:

Applying for a personal loan is a common option for anyone who needs extra money, whether to pay off debt, invest in a new project or deal with a financial emergency. However, before starting the application process, it is important to be aware of the documents required to speed up the procedure.

In general, the documents requested may vary depending on the financial institution, but there are some basic items that are required in most cases:

Personal Identification:

  • You will need to present a valid identification document, such as your driver’s license or passport.
  • Social Security Number (SSN) is also mandatory so that the institution can check your credit history.

Proof of Residence:

  • Present up-to-date proof of residence, such as a utility bill (energy, water) or a recent bank statement.

Proof of Income:

  • Provide proof of income, which may include your most recent pay stubs or bank statements from the last few months.
  • In some cases, you may need to provide income tax returns for the last few years.

Proof of Employment:

  • Documents such as an employment verification letter or employment contract may be necessary to prove the stability of your income.

Other documents that may be required include proof of marital status, such as a marriage or divorce certificate. It is worth noting that each financial institution may have specific requirements, therefore, it is essential to consult the requirements of the bank or financial institution in question.

Providing all these documents in advance and in an organized manner is essential to speed up the personal loan application process. Furthermore, remember that the credit analysis will also be carried out, considering your financial history. Therefore, it is important to keep your finances up to date and avoid any type of restrictions, such as outstanding debts or negative records in your name.

Tips for Getting Approved for a Personal Loan:

​If you are in need of a personal loan, it is important to be prepared to increase your chances of approval. There are some tips that can help with this process and ensure that you get the loan you need.

Firstly, it is essential that you have your documentation up to date. Whether it’s proof of income, bank statements or some other document requested by the financial institution, it’s important to have everything organized and updated. Additionally, it is important to have a good credit history. This means keeping your bills up to date and avoiding default. When you can prove that you are a good payer, your chances of obtaining the loan increase.

Another important tip is to research and compare the different types of loans available. Each financial institution has its own interest rates and payment conditions. Doing detailed and comparative research can help you choose the option that best suits your needs and ability to pay. Furthermore, remember to never commit more than 30% of your income to the loan installments, to avoid future financial problems.

Finally, try to present clearly and convincingly why you need the loan. Whether it is to pay off debts, renovate your home or invest in a personal project, the financial institution needs to understand the purpose of the loan. Presenting a consistent and coherent plan increases your chances of approval. In short, by following these tips, you will be better prepared to get approved for a personal loan and be able to achieve your projects and goals.

Care when Choosing a Bank or Institution for a Personal Loan:

​When it comes to personal loans, it is essential to choose the right financial institution. After all, we are dealing with money, and any wrong decision can result in significant financial problems in the future. Therefore, before signing any paper, it is essential to take some precautions.

  • Search and compare different banks and financial institutions: Analyze interest rates, payment terms and general conditions. You should not choose the first option that appears without considering the others. Additionally, check the institution’s reputation in the market, through reviews from other customers and regulatory bodies.
  • Read the loan terms and conditions carefully: Institutions often include clauses that can be harmful to customers, such as hidden fees, abusive interest or early payment penalties. Make sure you understand all clauses in the contract and, if necessary, ask the manager of the bank or financial institution for clarification.
  • Carefully analyze your payment capacity: Make sure you will be able to pay the loan installments without compromising your monthly budget. Calculate the installment amounts and check if they really fit into your finances. Don’t forget to consider any unforeseen events that may arise during the loan period.

Choosing a financial institution for a personal loan is a decision that should not be made hastily. By taking these precautions, you will ensure a safer choice and avoid headaches in the future. Remember that analyzing your options in detail and evaluating your own ability to repay are crucial to a positive experience when applying for a loan.

Alternatives to Traditional Personal Loans:

​In the financial world, we often need extra money to cover unforeseen expenses or to carry out a personal project. Typically, the first option that comes to mind is to apply for a personal loan from a bank or financial institution. However, there are alternatives to traditional personal loans that can offer significant advantages.

Peer-to-peer lending

An increasingly popular alternative is peer-to-peer lending, also known as peer-to-peer lending. In this model, online platforms connect people who want to lend money with those who need a loan. This modality can offer lower interest rates than those offered by banks, in addition to being a faster and more practical way of obtaining financing.

Use of credit cards with pre-approved limits

This option can be useful when you need immediate money, but it is important to use it responsibly to avoid accumulating debt. Some banks also offer personal credit lines, where the amounts are pre-approved and the customer can use them as needed, paying only for the amounts used.

Secured loan

Where it is possible to offer an asset as collateral in exchange for lower interest. This modality can be interesting for those who own a property or a car, for example, and need a larger amount to finance a project. In this case, it is important to be careful when evaluating the conditions of the contract and think about the consequences of offering an asset as collateral.

Step by Step to Apply for a Personal Loan:

These days, applying for a personal loan in the US is easier and more convenient than ever, thanks to advancements in technology. Many banks and financial institutions offer the option of applying online, saving time and avoiding bureaucracy.

  1. Search and compare available options:
  • The first step is to research and compare the different loan options on the market.
  • Banks, credit unions, and online platforms offer a variety of products, each with their own requirements, interest rates, and payment terms.
  • Comparing these options will ensure you find the best solution for your financial needs.
  1. Gather the necessary documentation:

After choosing the financial institution, gather the necessary documents for the request. Typically these include:

  • Proof of income: Recent payslips, bank statements or income tax returns.
  • Proof of residency: A recent utility bill or bank statement.Personal identification: Driver’s License or passport, plus Social Security Number (SSN).

Having these documents on hand will help speed up the application process.

  1. Complete the online application:

With your documentation in order, access the financial institution’s website and fill out the loan application online.
Enter all required information accurately and check the details before submitting.

  1. Wait for analysis and approval:

After submitting the application, the financial institution will perform a credit analysis, which may include checking your credit history with agencies such as Experian, Equifax and TransUnion.

If approved, the approval process is usually quick, and funds are deposited directly into your bank account within days.


Personal loans are versatile financial tools that can be used for a variety of purposes, from consolidating debts to financing personal projects or facing unforeseen events. With the evolution of technology, the request process has become more accessible and less bureaucratic, allowing you to compare options, gather the necessary documentation and make your request online, all in a practical and quick way. However, it is essential that you carefully analyze your financial situation before making this decision, ensuring that the loan is truly the best choice for your needs. With responsibility and planning, a personal loan can be the ideal solution to help you achieve your goals.

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