Online BMI Calculator – Body Mass Index


The BMI calculator - Body Mass Index gives users accurate information that shows the ideal weight for the height of those who want to know what the ideal weight is. It shows in detail the amount of obesity or malnutrition and can be used by children, adolescents and adults with great quality.

The MC calculator has a feature that should be well understood by those who want to find out about the ideal weight according to their height.

The calculation is done with a formula involving BMI = Weight / (Height x Height). In this sense, the weight must be in Kg / m2, it will show the result with verification of the range found. What many people still don't know is that there is an online BMI calculator, an application approved by MS - Ministry of Health

The BMI calculator can be found in the Google Play app stores for Android devices and iOS for Smartphone devices and is easy to install and use as well.


How is the BMI Calculated?

There are actually several ways to do a detailed BMI calculation and consequently see what can be done to improve your performance and reach your ideal weight. For this, just check out a simple way to calculate BMI below:

For a person regardless of gender aged 20 2 60 years; 1.80 tall; weight 80kg. The calculation will be performed:

  • Height multiplied by height (1.80 x 1.80 = 3.24)
  • Weight divided by height squared 80 / 3.24 = 24.69.

With the calculation of BMI - Muscle Mass Index, the application is known worldwide for accurately showing the data that are part of a person's weight classification.

It is worth remembering that the way to calculate BMI for children, adolescents and young people is completely different, as it is a different structure in body mass.

What Does the Results Shown by the Online BMI Calculator Mean?

Each result will present a different condition for those who make the BMI calculations - Body Mass Index. From the results presented, users will know in detail where they need to improve and how to maintain good performance:

  • The user is considered thin when the result is less than 18.5 underweight.
  • For people who are 18.5 – 29.9 the calculator will consider normal weight.
  • The user who presents 25.0 to 29.9 will be considered as pre-obese in the result of the BMI calculator.

From there the results will show a state of obesity of the users. They will break down into degrees, for example:

  • Grade 1 obesity>>> 30.0 to 34.9
  • Grade 2 obesity>>> 35.0 to 39.9.
  • Grade 3 morbid obesity>>> Above 40 with results on the BMI calculator – Body Mass Index.

In this way, users will understand in detail what they need to do to find the ideal weight, and not only the ideal weight, but also how to have a mass index that is good for the body and consequently their health.

How to Find the Ideal Weight Through the Result of the BMI Calculator

When a calculation is made using the BMI tool, the user knows whether he needs to gain or lose body mass. For example: If his result is above ideal and he is not considered an athlete, it is because he has a percentage of fat that needs to be fought with a disciplined diet.

Therefore, it is important to follow some tips from professionals who work in the area, such as nutritionists and endocrinologists. In addition, it is necessary to habitually change the diet, avoiding snacks, pasta, processed foods, sweets and cakes.

However, if it is necessary to increase the BMI - Body Mass Index, the user of the calculator must eat foods that will potentially increase his structure. In this case, it is necessary to feed on minerals rich in vitamins and not get lost in mass foods such as snacks and pizzas for example.